Monday, January 12, 2015

Mohammad, the prophet of volcanoes.

Mohammad prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Yahweh, one of the many names for the god of Abraham, was undoubtedly a volcano god. In other words, the Jews and Muslims are worshipping absolutely nothing. The Christians have Jesus but he believed in Yahweh so that doesn't leave him on a good standing. Volcanoes were, in ancient times, seen as the homes, battle sites & landing pads of fiery gods. These gods could be alone, as in Yahweh living on the top of Mount Sinai of Arabia (probably Saudi), with others as in Pele and her lover or in groups as in the battle between Zeus and Typhon.

The prophets of imaginary volcano gods were depicted with either fire around them, with a glow of light coming from them or with a halo above them. Above we see Mohammad depicted with fire around him. Please see the pictures below that also show fire around Mohammad.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Islam the volcano religion.

Mohammad the prophet of volcano worship.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Muhammad the prophet of the mountain of fire god Allah.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

Mohammad the prophet of Yahweh the volcano god.

All these people are talking about Yahweh the volcano god.

Instead of just attacking Islam's fruits, why not expose its roots?

As someone on Reddit has mentioned halos in a thread about this blog (hello!) I thought I would add a link to a post I wrote about this subject. Here it is


  1. You are probably right about the Muslims having worshipped a Volcano (or the Sun) when it was originally created but Islam has been taken over since then (only about 700 years ago) to be converted into one of the 3 Abrahamic religions. And before Islam was taken over, its mosques pointed to a totally different direction than to Mecca...
    Wahhabi Islam is even younger than that, and I recommend that you check out the racial status of the Saudi royal family.

  2. “Wahhabi Islam is even younger than that, and I recommend that you check out the racial status of the Saudi royal family.”
    And if your research is good enough you will discover that their so called "race of people" belongs to the very same racial entity that is in control of the Daily Mail! 

  3. Yahweh is not the “volcano god” and to the best of my knowledge, no one other than you has ever claimed it to be... So I think that you have been confused by the historical evidence of the original/genuine form of Islam.

  4. Mother of Believers would disagree with you because under Islamic law, alive images themselves are forbidden let alone images of Prophets which orthodox Muslim find blasphemous {Narrated `Aisha:
    I purchased a cushion with pictures on it. The Prophet (came and) stood at the door but did not enter. I said (to him), "I repent to Allah for what (the guilt) I have done." He said, "What is this cushion?" I said, "It is for you to sit on and recline on." He said, "The makers of these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said to them, 'Make alive what you have created.' Moreover, the angels do not enter a house where there are pictures.'"

    1. Who cares? Your god was not a god but a volcano.

  5. I have answered the questions of Bill Lauritzen. Caitlin
    May 02, 2013Caitlin rated it did not like it
    I rarely give up on a book but this one has been sorely disappointing. Lauritzen comes off as arrogant and a know-it-all. I am interested in anthropology pieces, early humanity, religion, etc. And I also find geology and the way the earth works fascinating. So I really expected to like this book. I should have put the book down in the preface when he says, and I quote,

    "I try to speculate in a rational and responsible manner. Remember that the most extravagant speculations are those that claim "supernatural" powers and events! The speculations I make are realistic, tame and quite credible in comparison. The burden of proof lies on those who claim extraordinary events, not with those who logically interpret historical religious and mythological writings considering natural phenomena."

    Since when is burden of proof one sided in intellectual work? I continued reading my ebook version, up to 38% when I just couldn't take it anymore. He doesn't give any evidence for his drastic claims. I am not saying that his opinions are completely without value, but the way he delivers them and with a lack of support is appalling. He quotes from several cultures ancient or religious texts but only references websites in his notes page and we don't know how accurate the translations he is using are. And what he does is total coercion: he places in brackets throughout the quotes the words and images he wants us to see, for example while talking about the Garden of Eden story from the Bible,

    "And the Lord God said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life [volcano] and eat, and live forever.' So the Lord God banished from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side (or placed in front) of the Garden of Eden cherubim [lava bombs] and a flaming sword flashing back and forth [volcanic lightning] to guard the way to the tree of life."

    This is one sample. He quotes in a similar way from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. It's like he is forcing his ideas on the reader instead of giving a strong foundation for them.

    I found his style heavy handed and overbearing and it overshadowed any value his interpretations may have had. It is not beyond the scope that the pyramids could represent volcanoes. But random unexplained statements, such as the Garden of Eden was in Java, and Tibetan mandalas are representations of volcanoes do not sit well with me.

    I do not expect people to have particular religious beliefs, however, not believing in God does not mean that the spiritual world and the ancient texts of the world's cultures are trite and meaningless and for ignorant people. Religion and spirituality have their own innate value. It is a different kind of knowledge and wisdom and I feel as though it is condescending and ignorant of people who makes the claim that Lauritzen did in the preface that to "rid ourselves of religion, we need to understand how it started." Who is he to say we need to rid ourselves of something that is inherently human, representing our creativity and our passion and our connection to humanity? Yes, we need to rid ourselves of the violence that zealotry in any religion unfortunately causes, but there is a whole other side to religion that should not be eradicated. Why does religious and spiritual beliefs persist in countries where the government suppresses it?

    I would be very interested to hear from people who really like this book. Sorry for the tirade! (less)

  6. Bill Lauritzen I understand how you feel. But what exactly is"spirituality"? Can you exactly define it? You're right there is the other side to religion, what do we need religion to bring out in us this side? I am not so sure. Do we need God in order to be good? Is religion a local phenomena that is no longer relevant in a global age? Physics is true all around the world. Not so with religion. Some things to think about which I hope to address in my next book . (less)
    Mar 05, 2016 11:42PM
    49907547 Ishmael Abraham { in some countries, Jesus is god, in some countries it's Rama } As an orthodox and orthoprax Muslim, this can be explained on the basis of Quranic(2:213) theory of common origin of all religions from the same primordial religion of Islam meaning willing surrender to God, which later on corrupted(2:79) into distinct polytheistic forms due to man-made additions to the original revealed unitarian sacred texts. For example, Hindu texts clearly teach unitarianism(tawhid) as Dr. Zakir Naik explains to Hindu monk Ravi Shankar. And, one can see that anti-unitarian verses appears in John which is the latest of all gospels and this accords with the Quranic theory. Just like physics is prevailing over ignorance of the physical world, Quran 61:9 teaches that Islam will prevail over spiritual ignorance at the end of history as the ultimate revealed truth. Islam encourages students to be unifiers of reason and revelation(jami al maqul wal manqul) like Averroes honouring whom an asteroid and a lunar crater have been named. (less)
    50 minutes ago · delete
    49907547 Ishmael Abraham According to Islam, spirituality is not something vague like everything to everyone. It simply means that one does not become a hypocrite by acting in a sinful way that is against professed beliefs. Religions other than Islam condone that hypocrisy based on the concept of antinomianism, But, Islam teaches a pronomian spirituality which means that we love God the way He wants to be loved in accordance with the sacred law, not in accordance with our lusts and egos. For example, Jesus peace be upon him was circumcised, and did not eat pork like Muslims but many Christians break those commandments citing antinomian spirituality which Jesus peace be upon him did not teach. (less)

    1. You seem to have missed the point, which is that your god never existed other than in people's minds. Your god was only a volcano. End of story.
