Friday, November 2, 2012

God was a volcano

An email recently received from another 'crank', as those who are the first to see previously overlooked things are often labeled......published with permission.....
Hi there.
I apologize if this is an unwanted email, but I have to say I think you are right on the money! I have been saying and theorizing for years about Volcano worship being the underlying meaning behind the Abrahamic Religions. I study (as an amateur) anthropology, archaeology,ancient religions, and paleoclimatology. Now I don't have any college courses or degrees to back my claims so often I am dismissed as blasphemous or just talking out my rear end. I am an Atheist.
I was raised Evangelical Christian and was forced to sit through a Preacher's rhetoric every Sunday. My ex stepmother would often not allow me to go to the children's services, and dictated that I needed to learn the words of God. I would often read this fool's interpretations and rhetoric while imagining the truth by putting myself in the Biblical times and seeing the way they lived through their own superstitions. The Bible I had contained maps of ancient Judah and Israel in their respective times. These became vital to me in keeping my attention so it appeared I was being a good little Christian boy. So at 7 years old I discovered that "God" was a metaphor for global events and catastrophies. Then at 14 my father divorced the fanatic and allowed me to pursue my own beliefs as long as I promised to find my own truth and do it with respect to other religions. So I figured "why not?" and started looking nto other religions and their creation myths.
Well...the only logical place for me to go next was temples. Then I started noticing pyramid temples were always near some sort of volcanic activity. While Egypt itself wasn't near any major volcanic activity, the Thera eruption of 1628 BC would have had a major impact upon all surrounding regions. It is believed to be the major factor in the fall of the Minoan Empire which in turn allowed the rise of the Mycenean Empire. Things started adding up. Then the Bible verses and research I was doing began to collide too often to be ignored. I started looking at maps and media devices such as Google Earth to help give me an extended, geological view of the religious world. Every single religion is and was founded in or near some sort of tectonic or volcanic region! I had found my truth!
But my truth, as stated above, was dismissed and laughed at. I went to churches and temples to ask my questions and was met by clergy who insisted I was tainted and seduced by the Devil and attempted to save me from myself. Then I stumble onto your page. Absolutely amazing to see you have the exact same ideas and theories I do. I have been attempting to sit down and write a book to teach others who might be as awakened or open-minded the things I have learned myself. As you may imagine, it hasn't gotten past opening my Microsoft Word and staring at a blank screen for 15 minutes before giving up due to lack of encouragement. You may just have renewed my vigor.
I have ran into the Richard Dawkins before and you are correct....they will only hear what fits into what they think is right and if you approach them from outside their box, they shut their box and deny access so that they don't have to think anymore than is necessary to maintain their authority on the subject.
Again, I'm completely an amateur. However, I think that amateur has nothing to do with finding one's own truths and seeing something that is right there in front of you in so many words and verses. I don't seek to unseat or disprove any religion. I have a great deal of admiration and respect for those with the faith I can no longer hold true to. I only intend to reach out to a community or population that can see outside the box and at least entertain the idea instead of a complete dismissal.
I would really love to pick your brain, so to speak, and see if there is anything I might learn or be missing from my own studies..........

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