Monday, July 16, 2012

Plague of Hail

I have already made a few posts about the plague of hail and they can be found by Googling 'oh my volcano hail'.

I am making this post to demonstrate why it is important to read all Bible translations and not just stick to a dreadful NIV or, heaven forbid, a 'Good News' version, the latter being certain to make you feel good but also garaunteed to make a fool out of you.

Exodus 9:24

NIV - hail fell and lightning flashed back and forth. It was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation.

(No mention of the hail being intermingled with the lightening, which was in fact fire and not lightening.)

New Living Translation - Never in all the history of Egypt had there been a storm like that, with such devastating hail and continuous lightning.

(Words fail me. The translator needs least.)

King James Bible - Never in all the history of Egypt had there been a storm like that, with such devastating hail and continuous lightning.

Now we're getting to the facts. It's revealing that the newer the translation, the fewer volcano references there are to be found. I smell a cover-up.

Anyway, was it lightening or fire? If we assume the earlier verses are the most honest, fire it is. As I've said, this subject has been covered before (my findings being that the hail of Exodus was not normal ice hail but volcanic hail....either hail and fire mingled together or sulfur balls caught up in a cloud and deposited in Egypt) but here is something else I wanted to add....

Job 41:19 SEE HERE also shows how the word 'lightening' is used to hide the word 'burning torches' or 'burning lamps'.

And Job 41:19 leads me nicely to my next post.....which will appear shortly.

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