Thursday, April 5, 2012

Plague of Hail

The article below about the Plague of Hail is by the 'Israel National News' and sums up quite nicely the ideas I've put forward regarding the Santorini eruption, the ten plagues and also the plague of hail, which was obviously not normal ice hail but small balls of fiery sulphur. Whether they traveled in a cloud to Egypt or whether they came from local volcanic eruptions is yet to be seen.

'For example, it is quite possible that the column of smoke by day and fire by night that the escaping Israelites saw after their Exodus was, in fact, the plume from a volcano. This same volcano may also have been responsible for the plagues brought upon the Egyptians due to their slavery of the Jews.

We know from recent volcanoes that a huge eruption can cause darkness over the lands for many hundreds of miles. One of the plagues was the plague of darkness. Also, the rivers turned to blood and the fish died. This too could have been caused by an
extreme volcanic eruption. Some volcanoes contain iron oxide, which is red. A massive eruption could have caused the fallout of iron oxide in the rivers of Egypt, killing off the fish.

Regarding the plague of boils, hundreds of people ended up in hospital emergency rooms with skin sores and rashes after the Mount Saint Helens eruption due to exposure to the acidic fallout ash. This same fallout caused livestock to perish or to be destroyed due illness from prolonged inhalation of the volcanic dust.

Of course, the fiery hailstorm to plague Egypt as described in Exodus is a common occurrence when a huge volcano blows. When Mount Saint Helens erupted in 1980, it caused a cloud of pellet-sized volcanic debris to fall like hail. Burning pumice from the sky set fires on the ground, destroying trees and houses. Lightning flashed all over the area, created by the enormous turbulence inside the volcanic cloud. For days, volcanic debris fell like hailstones, flattening crops for miles around.

This coincides with what is written in the Bible about what happened to Egypt.

Exodus 9:23-4: "So there was hail, and fire flashing up amidst the hail, very grievous, such as had not been in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. 4. And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast; and the hail smote every herb of the field, and broke every tree of the field."

In fact, most of the plagues can be attributed to a super eruption. And it just so happens that there was a super eruption at the time of the Exodus. It was on the Greek island of Thera, which is now called Santorini.'

Santorini is a bay over six miles across that is actually a crater formed by the eruption of Thera. Evidence suggests that sometime around 1500 BCE, a gigantic volcanic eruption all but destroyed the island of Thera. Judging by the size of the crater - over thirty square miles - the Thera eruption has been estimated to have been over twenty times bigger than the Mount St. Helens eruption.

In addition, pumice samples taken from the seafloor show that the wind at the time was blowing towards Egypt. And Egypt is less than 500 miles away - certainly close enough to be severely affected by such a huge eruption.

It cannot be a coincidence.'

Article continued here.

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