Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hail in the Bible

Hail in the Bible, I believe, was not hail at all but small balls of white sulphur thrown out of volcanoes. I believe it was called hail because it looked like hail. It was a puzzling sight to the ancient Hebrews...

''There was hail and fire flaming amid the hail'' [Va'eira 9:24]

The Midrash states that the Plague of Hail was a miracle within a miracle: the hail did not extinguish the fire and the fire did not melt the hail.  Rather, both elements joined forces in smiting the Egyptians.........So it was with the Plague of Hail. Hail and fire cannot co-exist because the nature of fire is to melt hail and the nature of hail is to extinguish fire. But in this instance, Hashem made peace between them and together they struck at the Egyptians. Read all here.
As stated in an earlier post, I also discovered there is a place named Hail that does have volcanoes that throw out small white balls of sulphur, or at least used to. That place is in North-western Saudi Arabia.

In Hail there are some mountains and one of them, AsSamra, is a tourist attaction that has a gas powered fire on its summit.

Human occupation in Hail goes back to prehistoric times as indicated by the numerous stone artifacts and rock drawings. Large numbers of Thamudic inscriptions can be seen in the mountains. Hail has a complex history of trade, travel, conflict and occupation - traces of which are left all over the countryside. Historically, Hail maintained cultural relations with the Assyrian, Babylonian and Levantine cultures. Assyrian and Babylonian incursions into Northern Arabia passed through Hail. Hail also acted as a trade center connecting four main roads leading to Jawf, Buraydah, Al-Najaf and Jarha.....There are numerous different types of relics. Read more of this very interesting piece here.

There is a connection somewhere here. A place in NW Saudi Arabia is named Hail, it has volcanoes that produce small white sulphar balls, it is steeped in ancient nomadic history, its original ancient landguage Thamudic (which sounds suspiciously like Talmudic and is also written right to left) also covered the Sinai and the ancient Hebrews in Egypt during the ten plagues thought balls of white sulphar thrown down in a storm due to a volcanic eruption was hail.

Did the ancient Hebrews leave Egypt during the Santorini eruption, make their way around the Sinai (leaving rock inscriptions in Thamudic), wander around the NW Arabian desert, find the volcanoes in Hail, and name the place Hail?

Hail is also a Hebrew name....see here.

This discovery means that sulphar balls landed on the Egyptians during the ten plagues. Not ice hail but sulphar. This is evidence of something I had been thinking about for some time. The Santorini eruption, due to being so immense, set off a chain of volcanic events in the Gulf of Suez Rift. It's either that or the sulphar balls were carried in the wind and clouds from Santorini. Well, it's possible as it was a powerful eruption...14 000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.

You can see other posts on hail in the Bible here and here.


  1. Ingenious!!! Thank you very much this helps me out alot :)

  2. No problem. Email me at if I can help with anything related or to let me know what you're doing.
