Saturday, November 19, 2011

Volcanic Mount Sinai

Picture the scene.......a smoking Mt Sinai where God resides and the tabernacle tent, where God's flaming gas leak/lava vent was turned into the Holy of Holiest, which Moses would go into to gaze at the glory of God and come out with a flushed face for all the shocked Israelites to gawp at with awe and wonder.

The Monte Python style movie is going to be soooooo funny!


  1. It seems that the Ark of the Tabernacle contained some radioactive materials from Mount Sinai. The Ark had to be carried on long poles, because people who approached too close or who touched the Ark became sick and even died.

  2. Really? Do you have verses about that? If so how perfect would that be? My belief is that the ark was sited over a flaming gas leak or a lava vent or tube in the Holy of Holiest. Only Moses could go in there and when he did come out his face would shine...or 'shon' is the word used...the same as when he came down from Mt Sinai.

  3. Oh...just noticed I already explained that in my post ;)

  4. About the contents of the Ark of the Covenant being radioactive, see
    or do a Google search on "Ark Covenant radioactive".

    It seems to me that the only contents of the Ark were some radioactive stones from the volcano. In order to make more sense of these contents, a story was developed later that God had written the Ten Commandments on the stones.

    1. Yo Mike,


      The Ten Commandments, eight of them at least, were taken from the Egyptian Principles of Ma’at written at least 2000 years earlier.

      Written at least 2,000 years before the Ten Commandments of Moses, the 42 Principles of Ma’at are one the world’s oldest sources of moral and spiritual instruction. Ma’at, the Ancient Egyptian divine Principle of Truth, Justice, and Righteousness, is the foundation of natural and social order and unity.

      One aspect of ancient Egyptian funerary literature which often is mistaken for a codified ethic of Ma’at is Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead, often called the 42 Declarations of Purity or the Negative Confession. These declarations varied somewhat from tomb to tomb, and so can not be considered a canonical definition of Ma’at. Rather, they appear to express each tomb owner’s individual conception of Ma’at, as well as working as a magical absolution (misdeeds or mistakes made by the tomb owner in life could be declared as not having been done, and through the power of the written word, wipe that particular misdeed from the afterlife record of the deceased).

      Many of the lines are similar, however, and they can help to give the student a “flavor” for the sorts of things which Ma’at governed—essentially everything from the most formal to the most mundane aspect of life.

  5. Another idea I have had is that the volcano dispersed ash that had properties similar to sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). The Hebrews collected this ash from the ground and mixed it with flour and water and then baked the mixture. The ash in the mixture helped the resulting bread to become leavened.

    Now think about the earlier story that when the Hebrews escaped from Egypt, they were not able to take along any yeast, and so their last meal in Egypt was unleavened bread.

    This unleavened-bread part of the story makes more sense if it is a set-up for a subsequent development in which they again were able to leaven their bread in the Sinai Desert.

    Their leavening agent in the Desert was the volcano ash, similar to bicarbonate soda, which they called manna. They did not eat the manna straight, as told in the story we have now, but rather they mixed the manna with flour and water and made leavened bread (even though they had not been able to take yeast out of Egypt).

    1. Yo Mike,

      The FIRST chapter of the Protocols of Zion are to be found in Genesis 47.

      Zip forward to today!

      The Jews have created a FINANCIAL FAMINE in America & the rest of the world & are using their Modus operandi of Genesis 47 to screw the world, as they once did the Egyptians.

      THe god of the Jews & Arabs is MOLOCH/BAAL/YHWH/ALLAH.

      Think about it.

  6. Ash....interesting. I'll need to do some research on it.

    Ark....stone.....wait for my will at least be interesting! ;)

  7. Sodium carbonate used to be called sodium ash. In ancient times, it was obtained from natron deposits in lake beds from which the water had been evaporated. In ancient Egypt, sodium ash was used as a cleaning agent and as a mummification agent. In modern times, baking soda is produced mostly from another mineral deposit, called trona.

    When the baking soda industry began in the USA, baking soda was obtained mostly from burned or decayed trees.

    In general, baking soda can be obtained from a variety of minerals or other substances in a natural or artificial process that burns or evaporates away the water, leaving an ash-like residue.

    We can suppose that a volcano might disperse such an ash, either from inside the volcano itself or from the massive burning of trees and bushes surrounding the volcano.

  8. In ancient times, people were extremely interested in finding, mining and processing stones and metals. This was a way to become wealthy, if you could discover something new.

    We can imagine that the Hebrews would have studied the debris that was ejected and dispersed by a volcano, looking for unusual stones, metals and other substances. Not only might valuable materials be found dispersed on the ground, but there might also be more such materials underground in the volcano's vicinity.

    Finding stones that were extremely radioactive would have been an amazing discovery. The Hebrews would not know what might be done with such stones, but they recognized the potential value of such stones and so the Hebrews decided to take them along when they moved on from the volcano. The Hebrews figured out after much trouble that the radioactive stones had to be isolated in a sealed box that was carried on long poles.

    The Ark of the Covenant originally was just such a safety device that was invented to transport the radioactive stones, which were considered to potentially be very valuable.

    This information about the stones' unusual properties and potential value probably was a secret that was guarded closely within the Hebrew elite.

    As the decades and centuries passed, however, a story developed that the stones in the Ark were valuable because God had written the Ten Commandments on them. Perhaps this false story was even a deliberate disinformation, to satisfy the curiosity of ordinary people about why the Ark's contents were so precious.

  9. The problem with the manna=ash idea is that the Bible says they lived on manna and nothing else, which obviously wouldn't be possible if manna was just a raising agent. Can you counter that?

    The stone's either as you say it is or it's another idea, which I will discuss soon.

  10. It simply is not possible that such a crowd of people lived only on some powdery stuff they found on the surface of the ground. If this story is some combination of fact and fiction (not just fiction), then the manna was, at most, just a significant part of their diet. The manna plays an exaggerated part in their later story because it was so unusual, so miraculous. There indeed was some, unusual powdery stuff that they gathered from the ground and used as part of their food. This stuff acted as a leavening agent for their bread.

    That is why their story also made an important point about their last meal in Egypt being unleavened bread. They were not able to take yeast or any other leavening agent along with them when they left Egypt and went into the Desert. This was a setup for the later part of the story where they were gathering soda ash from the ground near the volcano.

  11. I just happened to open my Bible to Exodus 29, and its first verses indicate that the Hebrews had flour and made bread while they were in the Desert.

  12. The story of the golden calf might be another indication that the Ark of the Covenant contained radioactive stones.

    While Moses was up on Mount Sinai talking with God, some mischievous Hebrews were down on the plain, melting some metal and making a statue of a golden calf. Then Moses came down to the plain, became enraged, and demanded to know which Hebrews had done this work.

    Moses brother Aaron admitted managing the project, but basically nobody would admit intentional participation. Aaron told told Moses a story about how people merely had thrown their gold earrings into a fire and then the statue of the gold calf had simply come out of the fire (Exodus 32:22-24).

    Then Moses ordered the Levites to go with swords through the crowds and to kill selected people, and the Levites killed about 3,000 people (Exodus 32:27-28).

    It seems to me that the real events behind this story might have been that some of the Hebrews, managed by Aaron, had found some extremely radioactive stones and were experimenting with them -- trying to melt and shape the metal into objects. Quite soon, all the people who had been involved directly in these activities became sick and died.

    These initial experiments with these stones ended disastrously, but they also showed that the stones had properties that potentially very effective and valuable. Eventually some of these stones were placed into a safe transport device, the ark, and were taken along when the Hebrews moved on from the volcano.

    The amazing properties of these potentially valuable stones were kept secret by the elite from the common folk, and a story was invented and told that the stones in the ark had been carved by God with the words of the Ten Commandments.

    The story about the golden calf also was concocted as part of this disinformation operation. It was common knowledge that all the dead men had been working on a metallurgy project for Aaron, but now a story was told that they had persuaded Aaron to let them make a statue of a calf out of the metal they were studying. Thus they committed a sin of idolatry, and thus they were punished with death.

    These false stories enabled Moses, Aaron and a few others in the elite to conceal the fact that they had discovered an amazing metal, which they were transporting in the Ark. Among its properties, this metal could kill a person who merely approached it.

    As time passed, these false stories were elaborated and polished, so that now only some fragments of the true story still can just barely be noticed underneath the cover of the false stories.

    1. Yo Mike,

      We are GOYIM aka Gentiles. Its their PROPAGANDA.

      The Jews have their Talmud. Without knowledge of the Jewish Talmud, we haven't a clue what the argument is about between Jesus of Nazareth & the Pharisees (Matthew 15; 23;)

      You must read Exodus 32 in conjuction with 1 Kings 11:1-13; Amos 5:25-27; Acts 7:42-43 & Talmud, Sanhedrin 64a-b!


      Moses aka Jews PLAGIARIZED the 10 Commandments from the 42 Principles of Maat, the Egyptian goddess of Truth. Aaron offered Human Sacrifices to Moloch aka The Golden Calf, on Mount Sinai (Exodus 32). 3000 Israelites were put to the sword for this (Exodus 32:22-27). YHWH was the first Anti-Semite (Exodus 32:7-10). See 1 Kings 11:1-13; Amos 5:25-27; Acts 7:42-43. In the Babylonian Jewish Talmud, Sanhedrin 64 a-b, you will find instructions for Jews on how to offer Human Sacrifices to Moloch, without being guilty. The trick is to get someone else to do the HOLOCAUST:


      Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64a

      Soncino 1961 Edition, page 437

      Following the Mishnah is a discussion among the sages. One of the Talmud Sages, Rabbi Ashi, comments as follows:

      GEMARA. R. Ashi propounded: What if one caused his blind or sleeping son to pass through, (3) or if he caused his grandson by his son or daughter to pass through? — One at least of these you may solve. For it has been taught: [Any men ... that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall he put to death ... And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people;] because he hath given of his seed unto Molech. Why is this stated? — Because it is said, there shall not be found among you any one
      that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire. From this I know it only of his son or daughter. Whence do I know that it applies to his son's son or daughter's son too? From the verse, [And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man] when he giveth of his seed unto Molech [and kill him not: Then I will ... cut him off.]

      — Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64b

      Soncino 1961 Edition, page 439

      Rabbi Dr. Freedman, one of the translators of the Soncino Tractate Sanhedrin, clarifies the passage. In a footnote, Rabbi Dr. Freedman confirms that the Talmud Sages use "seed" to denote living children, in the same sense as the Biblical translators understand the term in the above Biblical quotes. In this footnote, Rabbi Dr. Freedman paraphrases the question from Rabbi Ashi:

      3. Is 'thou shalt not cause to pass' applicable only to a son who can naturally pass through himself, but not to a blind or sleeping son, who must be led or carried, or does it apply to all?

      Rabbi Dr. Freedman

      Other footnotes within the same context clarify the fine point of distinction being drawn in the Mishnah and subsequent debates among the sages:

      5. Lev. XVIII, 21. This proves that the offence consists of two parts; (I) formal delivery to the priests, and (2) causing the seed to pass through the fire.

      Rabbi Dr. Freedman (2)

      5. As two separate offences, proving that giving one's seed to Molech is not idolatry. The differences [sic] is, that if one sacrificed to Molech, or caused his son to pass through the fire to some other deity, he is not punished.
