Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is the Ark of the Covenant in Mecca?

Most of this post was written a couple of days ago and shortly after it was finished I realised the area in question in the Kaaba is actually a stairwell, making some of this post irrelevant. However, all is not lost with this theory so I will leave my original post as-is so you can follow my thought process and I will add my update after it.


And their Prophet  said to them: Verily! The sign of His Kingdom is that there shall come to you At-Tabut (a wooden box), wherein is Sakinah (peace and reassurance) from your Lord and a remnant of that which Musa and Harun  left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this is a sign for you if you are indeed believers. (Koran:248)

This is the plan of the Ka'ba in Mecca, the small box shaped room that Muslims must walk around several times at least once in their lives. Notice the 'Babut Taubah' in the bottom right hand corner. This is where I believe the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant is hidden. This tiny room's measurements are 2.5mx1.5m. The Ark's measurements are 1.16mx0.69m leaving enough room inside to walk around it, as indicated on the plan. I believe Islam started because the Ark was found by a Saudi Muslim, probably Mohammad himself. The puzzles that seem the most unfathomable are often the easiest ones to solve....and this solves a lot of them.

In the Jewish Deuterocanonical book Second Maccabees, Chapter 2:4-8, "one finds in the records" that Jeremiah, having received an oracle of the Lord, ordered that the tent and the ark and the altar of incense should follow him to the mountain of God where he sealed them up in a cave, and he told those who followed him in order to mark the way, but they could not find it, "The place shall remain unknown until God gathers his people together again and shows his mercy, and then the Lord will disclose these things, and the glory of the Lord and the cloud shall appear, as they were shown in the case of Moses, and as Solomon asked that the place be specially consecrated."
This Wiki quote sites the mountain in the WRONG position. It is actually in Western Saudi and not North-West. It is certainly not to the west of the Gulf of Aqaba. It is at Mecca, which is much further south.....
In 1873, Charles Beke proposed that Sinai was the Jabal al-Nour (meaning mountain of light), a volcanic mountain at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba, and which has great significance in Islam for other reasons;[32] Beke died during the following year, but his writings (published posthumously) retracted this identification four years later in favour of Jebel Baggir, with Horeb being argued to be a different mountain - the nearby Jebel Ertowa.[34] He conceived that it was on the eastern side of the Gulf of Aqaba, and his journey convinced him that his view was right. It has not, however, commended itself to general acceptance. Beke died in Bromley, in Kent.
Was Charles Beke murdered to keep the cat in the box? Was his book's manuscipt tampered with? Why would a man not say before he died that he had changed his mind? Why would this fact not come to light until three years after his death when his book was published? Why does this mountain in the north of Saudi have 'great significance in Islam'? Did they mean to write that the mountain in the North-west of Saudi has great significance in Islam because it is Mecca? Now that would make sense.....too much!

Notice how wiki discusses every element of the Kaaba except the baabut taubah. There is a post by Mohammed Azzaam Ekkeri but this is missing.
Mohammad himself spent a lot of time in a cave (now named Hira) on the side of Jabal al Nour (also Noor and Nur), the volcanic mountain claimed by Charles Beke to be Mount Sinai......
Muhammad's_first_revelation According to tradition, when Muhammad was nearly 40, he had been prone to spending long hours in retirement meditating and speculating over the aspects of creation around him; this meditative temperament was said to have helped to widen the mental gap between him and his compatriots. He would provide himself with simple food and water, and then head directly for the hills and ravines in the neighborhood of Mecca. One of these in particular was his favorite resort — a cave named Hira, in the Jabal al-Nur mountain. Only 3 km from Mecca, it was a small cave 3.5 m long and 1.6 m wide.
This is the cave in which he is said to have received his first divine revelation from Angel Gabriel.
Chapter 2, verse 248 says: 'And their Prophet (Samuel) said to them: Verily! The sign of His Kingdom is that there shall come to you At-Tabut (a wooden box), wherein is Sakinah (peace and reassurance) from your Lord and a remnant of that which Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron) left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this is a sign for you if you are indeed believers.'
The most revealing thing is the Koran describes the Ark as a wooden box. The Ark was completely over-laid in gold. Why would they just describe it as a wooden box? Because it had had the gold stripped off it prior to being dumped in a cave....and the only people who would know that are the Muslims as the Hebrews wouldn't have talked about (or written about) stripped the gold off the thing they were meant to revere so highly. The Ark was simply never mentioned again in the Bible. The Ark had a pauper's funeral really didn't it? It started off as the most highly prized item the Israelites owned and then was stripped of its gold, dumped in a cave and never mentioned again. What could have caused its downfall? Did it not perform as it had done for Moses? Did someone get angry with the 'damned thing' and decide it was not necessary anymore as everyone seemed to have faith anyway? There is no way a highly prized artifact covered in gold would be abandoned so casually (without even making it very clear where it was left!). It was clearly neither highly prized nor covered in gold. It was just as the Koran states.....a wooden box.
Here are some more examples of how facts are either distorted or omitted....
This wiki page also states this mountain was just 'East of the Gulf of Aqaba'.....why not use the country name? What's wrong with saying Saudi Arabia? Because they don't want it getting out?
This is the book published after Charles's death. Look at the extortionate price! That would certainly ensure not many people read it. Look also at the omitted text....'I* Midian'....something Midian....what's something?
Even this states the wrong location for the mountain....

a volcanic mountain at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba, and which has great significance in Islam for other reasons;[5] Beke died during the following year, but posthumously retracted this identification four years later in favour of Jebel Baggir, with Horeb being argued to be a different mountain - the nearby Jebel Ertowa.)


Jabal al Nour means 'Mountain of Light'. Names of mountains were passed on for millenia by Bedouins. Muslims claim it is called mountain of light due to Mohammad's enlightening experiences there, but that is probably a load of rubbish. Jabal al Nour is also 'twinned' by another volcanic mountain called Mount Thawr, both being in Mecca. This would explain the Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb issue.

This video reveals that Mount Thawr also had a cave in its side, which was called the Cave of the Bull and was used by Mohammad when hiding from the Banu Quraish. 


Is Jabal al Nour in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Mount Sinai?

Is Mount Sinai now covered in graffiti?

This video shows the inside of the Kaaba and the Tabut Taubah is on the other side of the golden door....



I discovered that the tiny room inside the Tabut Taubal in the Kaaba is actually a stairwell and that it does offer access to the roof. The facts about the stairwell and the roof were not easy to obtain and whole forum threads started by Muslims wishing to know what is behind the golden door do not discover these facts. If a Muslim asks an imam online what it is for, the question either seems to get deleted or answered with, 'It is the Door of Repentance' and nothing else. It seems ordinary Muslims are not to know what is behind the door, which seems to be excessive secrecy for just a stairwell and a roof terrace.

Is it a Door of Repentance? Well it might be but 'Tabut' means wooden box (remember the Koranic verse....'Chapter 2, verse 248 says: 'And their Prophet (Samuel) said to them: Verily! The sign of His Kingdom is that there shall come to you At-Tabut') and 'taubah' means repentance. What I have found out is that the TT was the original Kaaba, or at least now represents it. The latter is more likely as the Kaaba has been rebuilt several times, even very recently, with amendments both big and small. In fact, I doubt there is anything original left, which would suggest it is not the cube shaped building that is deemed holy but what was contained inside the original Tabut Taubah by Mohammad. He arrived at the Kaaba, kissed the Black Stone and wiped out all the pagan statues. Was he making space for something else? Or was the Kaaba built specifically to house and protect the Ark? If not, the perfect dimensions are an amazing coincidence.

Instead of giving up on my theory I continued to investigate the dimensions of the Kaaba and discovered its entrance floor is now 2.2m higher than the ground outside. There is only one door to get into the Kaaba and that is raised well above head height. What is on the actual ground floor level under the Kaaba? Why is it raised so high? Why all the remodelling and the encasing in plywood (I have discovered) during remodelling or repairs? The stairs inside the Tabut Taubal go up but they might also go down. Could they go down to a viewing area in which the Ark is stored behind glass? The roof has bee lined with steel. Why would they line the roof with steel when the building itself doesn't seem to be of great value to them?

Koran: “And their Prophet said to them: “A Sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ark (Tabut), and in it Sakina with (a Covenant) therein of security from your Lord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. In this is a symbol for you if ye indeed have faith” (al Baqara, v.248)

To make such a statement about a long lost artifact, the location of which you are entirely ignorant of, is extremely risky given the Koran must be entirely correct if it is to be real. If one word of it, and certainly if one such prophecy in it, is proven false then the whole religion is also proven false. This, I believe, is a fake prophecy. Mohammad knew the Ark would come to them (because it was already in Muslim hands) and made this prophecy knowing it would encourage faith when it came true.

The Kaaba is not mentioned as a potential site for the Ark, which is surprising given the Kaaba is the holiest place in Islam and given the statement above, proving the Ark is extremely critical to Islam. Should it be in Muslim possession, it would be in the Kaaba away from non-Muslim interference.

I think the Kaaba is a very viable possibility for the location of the Ark of the Covenant.


  1. You Jews are rubbish in your idealogy..

  2. The truth and the light shall come soon, God willing!!!

  3. You may be interested to know that I think it is hihgly likely that Mecca is Kadehs-Barnea.

    And that there were Two Arks.
